Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kent Roberts Honored

Congratulations to La Habra Historical Museum's Kent Roberts!

Kent Roberts received the La Habra Chamber’s Citizen of The Year award at the 72nd Annual Awards and Board Installation on July 11.

Kent has been active in practically every charitable group in the community during the past 35 years. He currently serves on the boards of the Boys and Girls Clubs of La Habra, the Children’s Museum and Landmark Development. He is also actively helping CRCC expand its facilities, and made the Old Settlers Historical Museum become a reality.

As a boy he helped his father and uncle with the La Habra Host Lions Corn Festival and he still is a member of the Lions.

Dedicated to serving his community, Kent is certainly appreciated for all his efforts on behalf of the Museum.

Congratulations for a well-deserved honor!!!

Kent Roberts at opening of La Habra Historical Museum

The Real News, La Habra Journal

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Volunteers Welcome and Wanted!!!

 Helpful volunteers having fun while enthusiastically setting up exhibit.

Take part in future exhibitions!

Volunteers who think they might enjoy developing exhibitions are always welcome! 

Contact the museum staff to help set up the next exhibit. 

The more the merrier! Any and all have something to contribute.

Share your talents! Bring ideas, hammers, screw drivers, paint brushes, computer skills, graphic design concepts... any and all talents welcome. 

Be part of history!!!